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Tips To Keep Your Mind As Fit As Your Body

When it comes to overall health and wellbeing, it’s important to work your mind just as much as you work your muscles! In the quest for becoming our own personal best, it can be easy to place all of your focus on our fitness and completely disregard our mindset. But we’ve compiled 4 tips to help keep your mind just as fit as your body! 

Exercise your brain regularly 

In the same way we aim to move our bodies everyday to keep our cardiovascular system healthy, moving our brain is just as important. Reading, listening to a podcast, doing a puzzle, attending a lecture or enrolling in an online learning course are all simple ways to keep the brain and mind stimulated. 

Eat a balanced diet 

A healthy diet is not only essential for weight management and optimal energy, but it will also keep your brain healthy too. Foods rich in omega 3-fatty acids, B vitamins and antioxidants all support good brain health. Incorporate green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, deep sea fish like tuna and salmon, berries including blueberries and strawberries and nuts such as walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts! 

Get quality sleep 

Clocking 8 hours of quality sleep each night doesn’t just benefit our muscle repair and recovery, but it also enables our brains to perform at their cognitive peak including perception, memory and executive functions. Remember, if you don’t snooze, you lose! 

Stay social 

Maintaining healthy social relationships has been shown to keep the connections between your brain cells strong (neurons). Whether it’s a coffee catch up or walk with your friends, a skype chat or joining a sporting team, maintaining regular social activities will enrich your life and mind.


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