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How To Stay Positive Through Tough Times

They say that tough times don’t last, but tough teams do… and we tend to agree! We like to think of the whole Goodlife community as one big team, so if you’re feeling a little flat, we’ve compiled a list of tips that will help propel you back into a positive mindset when you feel the negativity creeping in. 

1. Adopt an attitude of gratitude 

You know that saying “woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” There’s actually a lot of truth to it! The way we wake up in the morning sets the tone for our mood and vibe for the rest of the day, so try and make it a calm one. If you wake up and reach for your phone, there’s a high chance you’ll become instantly overwhelmed by the stress of the emails in your inbox or upset by a comment you have seen on social media. So instead, why not start the day by adopting the attitude of gratitude? Start your day by either writing down or verbalising 1-3 things you’re grateful for, which could be as small as a good cup of coffee or a comfy bed to sleep in, and you’ve instantly set yourself up with a grateful and abundant mindset that will likely have a ripple effect on for the rest of the day. 

2. Have a support group

Whether it’s a text chain, a Facebook group chat or a whatsapp group, there is so much power in a group chat! If you really are the product of the five people you spend the most time with, make sure you’re surrounding yourself with positive people who you can help pick you up when you’re feeling a little bit flat. This group is a totally judgement free zone, where you can comfortably express or vent your feelings. A quick phone call or message to the group could have you feeling more upbeat in no time. 

3. Find something to laugh about 

Whether it’s a funny youtube clip, a ridiculous vine video or even just a meme that never fails to give you a deep belly laugh, never underestimate the power a good laugh can have on flipping your mood. There’s actually research that suggests laughter can cool down your stress response receptors to leave you with a much more relaxed feeling. A bit of laughter everyday, keeps the bad moods away! 

4. Be kind to yourself 

One of the most important things to remember, is that it’s perfectly okay not to feel positive all of the time. Be kind to yourself on days where life seems a little bit harder, and remember that it’s perfectly fine to listen to your body's cues. Don’t beat yourself up for sleeping through your morning alarm and missing your run, your body probably needed the rest. Don’t get frustrated at yourself if you watched too many netflix episodes and you didn’t end up sorting out your pantry - you can do it tomorrow. And don’t punish yourself for eating too much chocolate, as long as you’re still getting the nutrients from whole foods, getting a good dose of soul foods is still okay too!


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