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How To Boost Your Energy Naturally

Are you feeling a little bit lethargic and lacklustre? Instead of reaching for another coffee or a sugary snack to try and put a much needed pep in your step, check out these top 4 tips for ways you can boost and stabilise your energy levels naturally. 

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep

This one sounds like a no brainer, but if you’re not clocking between 7-9 hours of quality sleep every single night, you’re not giving your body the rest and repair it needs to function optimally. If you are in a sleep deficit, you’ll notice everything from your mood, appetite and general energy levels all take a turn for the worst. 

Move your body daily

While it sounds like a catch 22, having a sedentary lifestyle can actually leave you feeling even more lethargic. Physical activity increases energy by getting the blood pumping, so on days you might not have it in you to smash through your usual run or high intensity workout, try going for a slow walk or doing 30-minutes of Yoga instead. Try and move your body for at least 30-minutes everyday, and feel the energy boost that comes from endorphins and serotonin. 

Limit your sugar and caffeine intake

When you feel like you’re lacking energy, your body craves sugar to give you a quick pick-me-up. The problem is, sugar spikes your blood sugar levels very quickly and that spike wears off just as quickly (ever heard of the sugar high and a sugar crash?).Try and keep your energy levels stable throughout the day by filling up on fresh foods like fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fibre and micronutrients. 

Eat foods rich in B vitamins B

Vitamins serve many purposes, one of them being energy production. This energy doesn’t store for too long in the body, so loading up on foods rich in B vitamins regularly is important for your overall energy. Make sure you’re getting enough dark leafy greens, eggs, legumes, lean meats and salmon. 


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