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Want to be a Group Fitness Instructor?

Have you ever wondered how your favourite Group Fitness Instructors started their journey?  

We asked Kate Tidbold (Body Attack, Body Pump, GRIT, Sprint and Body Balance Instructor) just that!! 

1. What do you love about teaching group fitness classes?

Coming to the gym can be a daunting experience and in group fitness we have the opportunity to create a supportive environment and guide people through a workout.  I love being a part of this and creating an experience where people can have some fun and feel successful at the end of the workout.

2. What/who got you into teaching and what was it like?

I loved participating in classes and was inspired by all the fantastic instructors whose classes I attended. I wanted to be a part of it too but I think it took me about 5 years to find the courage to book into my first initial training module.  I chose Body Attack because it was my favourite program.  I was so nervous at first but it got easier and I had great support from my mentor and other instructors.

3. What would you say to anyone thinking about doing training to become a group fitness instructor?

Go for it!  Choose a program you love and reach out to instructors that will support you on your journey.

Ever thought about becoming a group fitness instructor and getting paid to sweat? If so, click here and register your details to get started.