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Here's How To Burn The Most Calories During At Home Workouts

Do you want to know how you can get the most out of your at home workouts? Our Goodlife National PT Manager Pete Gleeson gave us his top tips for how to burn the most calories during your at home workout!

Warm up.

Don't just swing your arms and give your quads a 2 second stretch, actually get your body hot & sweaty prior to starting! Spend 5-10mins, running up and down the driveway or jogging on the spot. With a full and proper warm up you'll 'hit the ground' running, and you'll ramp up your calorie expenditure all through the session.

Go all the way.

If your trainer is asking you to reach for the skies at the top of your burpee, then jump and reach and give that eagle a high 5. If they want you to squat all the way down, don't just go half way and stop at a 45 degree angle (DON'T DO A HIP-DIP if you're told to do a squat), if they want your push up all the way to the floor and all the way to the top... then, you guessed it, go all the way!

Go big, then go "home".

Well, you're probably already at home, but you get the general idea. Going big means go big with your movements. Choose exercises that have a big range of motion with lots of moving parts. Exercises which burn the most calories are those that use the most muscles. Doing some regular lunges will work the legs, but doing some lunges with some sort of weight held between your hands will also work the arms, and then... adding a rotation to your lunge will also work the core! You're now doing a lunge that burns even more calories.

HIIT it.

High Intensity Interval Training isn't 'steady state' training. It's... high intensity! Work so hard that you can't talk! Then, enjoy what you've earned; an active recovery. If you're not ready to go again when the bell rings, then you're doing it RIGHT! Please don't ever worry that your body isn't recovered for the start of the next set, earning a longer rest because you ACTUALLY need it is a great sign you're doing HIIT right. And since HIIT done right has such a draining effect on your body, you'll be sure to be switching on the afterburners.... again, you'll burn more calories from your home workout!

You know pump it up, you got to pump it up.

Whilst music soothes the savage beast, it also excites our mind and bodies to move and groove #fact! Get the music that pumps you up and gets you moving.

You get by with a little help from your friends.

Not only will your friends motivate you and keep you accountable, they'll also add that competitive edge that's needed when you have a goal in mind... like burning more calories! If you have wearable technology to help track your heart rate (and calories), then use it to add that little competitive edge - either you vs you, or, you vs your friend.

Less is more.

Make sure you have a rest day or 2 in the week to allow your body the time to recover, to allow you to work harder in your next session and burn more calories! Recovery days also reduce injuries, and injuries can stop your workout progress; full-stop-period.

Turn it up, if you can.

Just because the workout asks for squats, and you find squats easy you could do jump squats. Just because the work says grab a 5kg object (eg/ laundry liquid), but you feel as though that's too light for you, load up a sports bag with 2 or 3 laundry bottles and make it 10-15kgs.


In fact, smile so much you laugh! Laughter has a calorie burning effect. Did you know that laughing 100x equals a 15min run. Imagine having so much fun training that you also have a good laugh... max calories burnt right there! Drop the mic. 


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