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Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) specialise in the delivery of exercise and lifestyle and modification programs for the prevention and management of chronic diseases, injuries and disabilities. Exercise Physiology interventions aim to utilise a holistic approach towards managing clients to promote wellness and to improve clinical, functional and/or psychosocial status. At Goodlife Health Clubs, our Exercise Physiology department has been operating for over 30 years. With more than three decades of experience and longevity in the industry, it is no surprise that Goodlife Exercise Physiology department is considered one the premier Exercise Physiology departments in South Australia. Our experienced team currently provides EP services at five club locations:
Royal Park
Diabetes and obesity
Stroke and cardiovascular diseases
Arthritis and fibromyalgia
Asthma, COPD and respiratory diseases
Parkinson’s, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s
PTSD, anxiety and depression
Musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain
Falls prevention and balance
Pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation
Our Goodlife team is made up of seven experienced Accredited Exercise Physiologists. Each practitioner has completed a four year Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology degree at University
Screening your health, fitness and physical function Chronic condition and injury management Supervised individual and group exercise sessions Gym, hydrotherapy and home exercise programs Strength for Life Bulk-billed Medicare individual Chronic Disease Management Plans and Type 2 Diabetes group program Return to Work SA and third party insurance claims Private health fund rebates NDIS (self-and plan-managed) DVA Health Cards (Gold and White) accepted as payment upon GP referral.