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Mindfulness is a bit of a buzzword in the health and wellness space at the moment, but if you’re not sure how exactly to go about it, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! When it feels like life is running at a million miles an hour and you seem to be up against a never-ending to-do list, stop and practice one of these 4 mindfulness tips!
A mindful check-in is as simple as it sounds. Take a couple of minutes each morning to check in on exactly how you’re feeling. Draw your mind away from external pressures like looming deadlines, household chores or school drop off and take a moment to really tune into your own thoughts. Are you consumed with anger? Worry? Frustration? When you draw your mind to this self-awareness it will help you acknowledge, honour and let go of thoughts that don’t serve you.
How many times a day do you find yourself stopping mid-task to check your phone? Our smartphones are the best and worst things to happen to us, but when you need to engage yourself in activities that need your full attention such as spending quality time with your family and friends, put your phone on aeroplane mode and focus on the present moment.
One of the easiest ways to practice the art of mindfulness is to do it whilst eating. Too often - especially when we’re hangry - we throw back our meals without taking the time to really savour and appreciate it, which is also what can cause us to overeat. So next time you sit down for a meal, savour each bite slowly. Pay close attention to the taste, the smell and the texture and get in tune with your body.
And we mean this one quite literally! When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, take your shoes off and connect your feet with the floor. Whether it’s sand, shallow water or cool grass, taking a moment to deliberately feel the sensation of your feet connecting with the ground will calm you down. Concentrate on the feeling of the earth moving up through your feet and into your legs as you ground yourself in one spot.
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