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You might have noticed that green is making a comeback. If the constant stream of green juices in mason jars on social media wasn't enough evidence, look no further than the global kale shortage. It's enough to bring tears to the eyes of all those superfood-loving hipsters.
All the cool kids are doing it now, but as a kid you probably remember your parents yelling at you to eat your greens, as you sulkily pushed wilted spinach around your dinner plate.
They have a reputation for preventing cancer, improving circulation and purifying your blood, but if that doesn't convince you to hail the kale, our friends at the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers have rounded up 4 more reasons to add leafy green veges to your next meal.
They might not be as good looking as zucchini flowers, or as delicious as super sweet corn, but green leafy vegetables are a versatile bunch. Use them to round out a hearty meal, or chuck them in a smoothie to kick start your day. Give green leafy vegetables the green light and your body will thank you for it!
Leafy green vegetables are full of antioxidants like vitamin C, which reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. It also helps the body make collagen, an important component of cartilage that assists in joint flexibility, reduces your risk of arthritis as well as keeping skin healthy.
These green goodies are also rich in vitamins, minerals and disease fighting phytochemicals and are full of fibre, which is an important nutrient for weight loss as it keeps you fuller for longer.
They can elevate your mood and help prevent depression thanks to high levels of folate, which is known for its production of serotonin. As well as keeping you in better spirits they can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and memory loss.
We all know that Popeye made himself super strong by eating spinach, but did you know greens can bolster your bones too? Some leafy green vegetables like kale are packed full of calcium, ensuring great dental health, strong bones and a lower risk of osteoporosis.
When it comes to choosing leafy green vegetables, always look for crisp leaves. Ideally you want to hear a slight snap when you crack the stems.
You eat with your eyes, so make sure you go for rich colour. The darker the green, the better.
In terms of smell, follow your nose to the most freshly-scented, green-smelling leaves.
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